
What Is The Offer Of Judgement Rule In Kansas?

What Is The Offer Of Judgement Rule In Kansas?

The Offer of Judgment rule in Kansas is a legal provision that allows parties in a civil lawsuit to make settlement offers to their opponents. This rule encourages parties to settle disputes outside of court by providing incentives for making and accepting reasonable settlement offers.

Here’s how the Offer of Judgment rule typically works…

  1. Offer of Judgment – One party (the offering party) makes a written offer to settle the case to the other party (the receiving party). The offer typically includes a specific amount of money or other settlement terms.
  2. Acceptance or Rejection – The receiving party has a specified period to accept or reject the offer. If the receiving party accepts the offer, the case is settled according to the terms of the offer.
  3. Consequences of Rejection –  If the receiving party rejects the offer and proceeds to trial, there are consequences if the final judgment is less favorable than the offer. The offering party may be entitled to recover certain costs and attorney fees incurred after the offer was made.

The purpose of the Offer of Judgment rule is to encourage parties to engage in settlement negotiations in good faith and to avoid the time and expense of a trial when a reasonable settlement offer is on the table. It provides an incentive for parties to carefully consider settlement offers and the potential costs of continuing litigation.